About this Course
This course enables you to use the pitch patterns that top communicators use to win hearts and minds. These patterns make it easy for listeners to follow you and grasp your message. Simply put, they make you a more effective communicator.
The course is based on academic research on monologue intonation, which is a relatively new subject area in linguistics. But it explains everything in non-academic terms that anyone can understand.
How this Training will Help You
You will be able to make your message resonate with your audience. The heart of the training is the dozen or so pitch patterns that listeners recognize. If you use these patterns, your speaking delivery will convey your message instead of hiding it. (This is explained in the home page video, which you should watch if you haven't already.)
Your speaking will be "stickier" (fewer people will click away or tune you out). If you put videos or podcasts online, people can click away at any time. To hold their attention, you have to reduce the mental effort required to follow you. Good intonation does this by signaling the structure of your sentences and the flow of ideas from sentence to sentence. As a result, fewer people click away.
You will sound calmer when you speak. If you try to "sound good" without understanding the mechanics of intonation, your voice will tend to bounce around too much, which will send false intonational signals. It will also make you sound like you're trying too hard. The solution is to master the pitch patterns and calmly use them to get your point across.
Your voice will sound more professional, which will signal your subject expertise and build trust. Every voice is different, and we wouldn't want to change that. But what makes all good communicators sound oddly similar is they way they use intonation effectively. It's what makes them sound clear and professional. After taking this training, your own voice will sound more professional as well.
Who is this Course for?
The course is for two types of people. First, it's for you if you lack confidence as a communicator and (perhaps) don't like hearing recordings of your own voice. If that describes you, then this course could be a huge turning point and confidence booster.
Second, the course is for experienced, professional communicators who want to understand the mechanics of what they are doing at a granular level. Just as golfers understand the mechanics of the swing, communicators who want to be at the top of their game need to understand intonation at the level of craft.
Anyone who communicates for a living, or anyone who just needs to communicate effectively with team members, will benefit from this course: podcasters, marketers, managers, lawyers, professional speakers, sales agents, customer support agents, professors, pastors, corporate trainers, etc. etc.